Weekly Newsletter

and Notices

Whole School

No Swimming

There will be no swimming on Tuesday 11th February due to Pools in the Park being used for the Borough Gala taking place. Children should attend school at the normal time of 8:30am. There will be no swimmers breakfast for Years 5 and 6 on this morning.

Music Department News

It has been a very busy few weeks in the music department. One of the many highlights being the Dukes Festival of the Arts (read more about it in the highlights section of this newsletter). Along with this we have had some fantastic achievements in exams and we are welcoming some new staff to our peripatetic team. We are also saying goodbye to Ms Bains (Flute, recorder and piano teacher) next week. We would like to thank her for her 12 years of dedicated teaching at Broomfield and we wish her all the best for this next chapter in her life.


Exam Results

Congratulations to Frankie(Y4) on achieving a Merit in her Grade 2 piano exam. Well done, Frankie.


Peripatetic Staff News

We are very excited to announce that we will have 2 new music teachers joining our Peripatetic team after half term.

We have appointed a new piano teacher, Mrs Fogg and a new singing teacher, Mrs Pedley to further enhance our music offering. If you are interested in a trial lesson for your child, please contact Miss Fourie directly on ifourie@broomfieldhouse.com.

In addition to the new appointments, please see below list of music teachers offering one to one music lessons here at Broomfield:

BHS Peripatetic Teachers:

Miss Crawford Woodwind and piano teacher
Mrs Kim-Shin Violin teacher
Mr Pitts Brass teacher
Mr McNeillie Guitar and Drum teacher
Mrs Fogg Piano teacher
Mrs Pedley Singing teacher


Year 5


On Thursday 13th February, Year 5 will be visiting the Royal Air Force Museum to support their history topic (World War Two). In the morning, the children will be attending an ‘Air Raid’ workshop in which they will further explore the Blitz and life on the Home Front. Following this, the children will then be split into smaller groups and will have time to explore some of the exhibitions in the Museum Hangars. The class will depart school at 9am and will return to school in time for normal dismissal and clubs at 3:30pm. The children will need to be in full school uniform, including blazers or coats and hats/caps. All children need to bring a water bottle for the trip. Chef Nay will provide a mid-morning snack and a packed lunch.

Year 4


Mr Anstey and Mrs Ketel are looking forward to welcoming our Year 4 parents to Broomfield on Tuesday 11th February 2025 for an important talk on Senior Schools and the 11+ process. The talk will take place in the Year 6 classroom and will begin at 6pm. Please come into school via the Broomfield Road gate.



Kindergarten are looking forward to their trip on Friday, 14th February to the amazing Red Beard Forest School at Syon Park. The children will depart school at 9am and will return at approximately 12pm. The children should wrap up well with layers of clothing and warm boots/shoes as they will be outside for the entire session. Chef Nay will prepare snacks and the class will be back at school in time for a warm lunch. They will be exploring winter in the great outdoors, woodland crafts and building a campfire. 

and Notices

Save the date - All School Parents Summer Social

Save the date – All School Parents Summer Social – Friday 13th June evening – at Ham Polo Club. There will be limited tickets available for this, being sold soon. Put the date in your diaries!

PTA Fancy Dress and Book Sale Events

We have two PTA sales coming up – one for fancy dress ahead of World Book Day and one for books (both new and pre loved). Boxes are out in the atrium to receive items, so please take a look at home for any items you can donate, and drop any items off!

Pre Loved Fancy Dress Sale (ahead of World Book Day) & Valentines Cookie Sale – Friday 14th February – 3:30-4pm at pick up

World Book Day Coffee & Book Sale – Friday 7th March – 8:30-9:30am – at drop off


BHS PTA Inaugural Lunar New Year Celebration – A Huge Success!

The BHS PTA’s first-ever Lunar New Year celebration was a spectacular success, bringing together our school community for an afternoon filled with culture, tradition, and joy. Families gathered to welcome the Year of the Snake with exciting performances, hands-on activities, and delicious food.
One of the most unforgettable highlights was the incredible face-changing opera (“Bian Lian”) performance by Mr. Zhang and his apprentice, Mr. Liu. Their lightning-fast mask changes captivated the audience, offering a rare glimpse into one of China’s most magical and ancient performing arts. But the surprises didn’t stop there—Mr. Zhang and Mr. Liu also wowed the crowd with an exhilarating fire-breathing performance outside, leaving everyone in awe of their breathtaking skill and showmanship.
Families had a wonderful time making dumplings, practising Chinese calligraphy, and getting creative with Year of the Snake crafts. The good fortune scratch card games and chopstick challenges brought lots of fun and laughter, while the food stalls and coffee van kept everyone well-fed and energised throughout the afternoon.
Special Thanks To:
      •     Lewen Lu for organising and masterminding this wonderful event!
      •     Aaron Xie (PK) and his parents, Mr. Xie and Ms. Xu, for generously sponsoring the dumpling fillings and wrappers.
      •     Aaron’s grandma for preparing the delicious dumpling fillings.
      •     Scarlett Sun (Y5) and Gabriel Sun (Y3), along with their parents, Mr. Sun and Ms. Li, for sponsoring the opera face masks.
•  Lola Su for coordinating with the face changing performers.
• ⁠ Mandarin club teacher Ms Chai and her students Sophie Wu (Y3), Joy Zhang (Y3), Miya Wu (Y2), Ollie Zhao (Y2), Ella Dabbs (Y2) and Cathie Shi (KG) for performing the beautiful singing in Mandarin.
• ⁠Year 6 children who volunteered at the stalls – Ela, Sienna, Sophia, Kobe, Zach, Emma
It was heartwarming to see our community come together to celebrate this beautiful tradition. A huge thank you to everyone who attended, participated, volunteered and helped make this event so special! If anyone would like a link to the full set of photos taken by Orange Media Events, please reach out to the PTA Core Team.
新年快乐! Wishing everyone a prosperous and happy Year of the Snake!


Dukes Festival of Arts

On Tuesday 4th February the chamber choir pupils in Y5 and Y6 travelled to the Southbank Centre in London to take part in the Dukes Festival of the Arts in celebration of Dukes Education’s 10th birthday.

Following months of hard work and preparation, children and staff members were part of a Massed Choir where more than 900 pupils from various Dukes schools celebrated the joy of performing and making music on such a large scale. It was a fantastic experience for everyone involved and a huge thank you and congratulations to the children who took part. You did Broomfield proud!

Thank you so much to parents for supporting your children and to Miss Travis and Mrs Hughes for accompanying us on the trip to the Festival Hall. May this be a lovely memory for all involved.

Miss Fourie

BHS Reach Cicero Debating Cup Semi-Final

This week, two Broomfield debating teams – each one (for the first time) a combination of Year 5 and 6 children – competed against other schools in the Cicero Cup national debating challenge, in heats at Notting Hill and Ealing HS Junior School and an online debate from Broomfield. The debates were on propositions like the abolition of zoos and whether cars should be banned from city centres.
This year’s quality of opposition was noticeably higher than in previous years, and included many schools from outside of the south-east. One of our teams convincingly won through to the national semi-final but, very unfortunately, the other narrowly failed to progress.
Public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience but all the children – without exception – rose to the occasion wonderfully, arguing their cases with passion and challenging their opponents’ positions. Debating is a fabulous life skill to learn and we are determined to continue building on our achievements to date and make sure all at Broomfield get an experience of it.

Greek Workshop

Splatt Theatre visited us this week to take our Year 3 children on a journey to Ancient Greece. The actors re-enacted the legend of ‘Medusa’ – a  fantastic interactive show. The performance was great fun and taught the children more about King Polydectes’s engagement feast, the Grey Sisters and Medusa’s statues.

Art Highlight

Year 4 created an illustration of a parent and child having a disagreement in front of a shop and pulling each other in different directions. The children looked at the human body and it’s movement. They also learned about basic perspective when drawing the shop fronts. In this task the class reflected on black and white work when designing the people’s outfits and shop windows.

Weekly Awards

Drama Star of the Week
Avni Year 2
Artist of the Week
Alana Year 4
Sports Star of the Week
Kazuto Year 2
Music Star of the Week
Lily Year 2

Polite Person of the Week

Pre-Kindergarten: Aurora: Aurora is always so excited to join in with our learning and share her experiences. She has been very engaged in our learning about castles this week. Well done.
Kindergarten: Georgia: Georgia has had an absolutely fantastic week! She has been an extremely kind and caring friend. Not only has she been a wonderful support for her friends, but she has also been super helpful to the teachers. Each day, Georgia has ensured that the Kindergarten classroom is clean and tidy. Well done!

Year 1: Harry: You always act with kindness and put others first. You are mindful of others’ feelings and very sensitive to those around you. Your gentlemanly manners are truly praiseworthy, and you are an asset to our class!
Year 2: Ollie: You were a lovely friend to Sarita on her trial day, showing gentle care and kindness to make her feel welcome at Broomfield.

Year 3: Eita: Well done Eita, you have polite person this week for always being kind to your friends. You always offer to help others, and you work hard in all your lessons. We are very proud of you.
Year 4: Magnus: For his enthusiasm and engagement during our Tudor workshop – great questioning!

Year 5: Alexis: For putting in 100% this week. This was clear to see in your classwork and great effort during debating!
Year 6: Remy: For his polite manners and wonderful enthusiasm about the Year 6 play.

Upcoming Events

Monday 10th Feb
Tuesday 11th Feb

NO SWIMMING – No Breakfast – Normal school day start time

1:30 – 3:30pm: Borough Gala – red team 

6pm: Y4 Parents Senior Schools Talk

Wednesday 12th Feb

11:30am: ISA Football – red team  

Thursday 13th Feb

9am – 3:30pm: Y5 Trip to RAF Museum 

Friday 14th Feb

9am: Kindergarten Trip to Forest School 

3:30pm: PTA Pre-loved Fancy Dress Sale in Dining Hall 

4pm: Stagecoach 

Monday 17th Feb

February Half Term

Tuesday 18th Feb

February Half Term

Wednesday 19th Feb

February Half Term

Thursday 20th Feb

February Half Term

Friday 21st Feb

February Half Term

Playground Snapshots