Weekly Newsletter

Thoughts from the Study

Broomfield Leadership Award

Last week, we proudly launched the Dukes Young Leaders Award in Year 6, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to instilling further leadership qualities within the Broomfield curriculum. This initiative will be rolled out across Years 1-6 from September 2024, building on the success of our Little Leaders Award in the Early Years that we launched earlier this year through our Famly App. The award will focus on the three pillars of leadership, adventure, and service, aiming to better both our local community and the world. Children will take part in a whole range of exciting activities in school, many of which are already part of the curriculum, as well as taking on challenges out of school.

Self-leadership is at the heart of this new initiative. As Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” This new award is designed to help children discover their passions and understand their capabilities as leaders. By encouraging children to independently explore new interests and challenge themselves, we aim to further build their confidence and self-esteem. This, in turn, equips them with the resilience needed to navigate life’s challenges, combating the rise of mental ill-health among young people, something we need to prioritise at prep school age.

Our Leadership Award emphasises the importance of stepping outside one’s comfort zone. It has never been more crucial to equip children with the skills to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. By providing a platform for our children to try new things and learn what makes them unique, we hope to inspire a generation of resilient and innovative leaders.

The challenge and the journey are as important as the destination. A tangible example from my own experiences is when I took a group of 15-year-olds, some of whom were selected to take part and fully funded, to Everest Base Camp – an expedition I have led twice. Although the destination was a motivating endpoint, the greatest lessons were learnt along the journey, at the crossroads when decisions needed to be made directly by the children, and barriers overcome. Those who completed the 19-day trek, despite initially lacking the motivation to perform well in their exams due to low self-esteem, returned transformed. They were confident and ready to tackle the challenges ahead, and we were able to demonstrate this impact on academic attainment by comparing performance before the expedition with a much better performance after.

The DYLA programme aims to celebrate the emerging leadership qualities in every child in their own unique way. Whether through wellbeing, community service, communication, adventure, or independence, each child will have the opportunity to develop essential tools for navigating life’s complexities. The programme aims to empower children to thrive in any environment and make a positive impact.

One unique aspect of our Young Leaders Award is our analogue approach to tracking progress. While we have tested various online platforms, we believe in the value of children spending more time away from screens. There is, of course, a balance here. Broomfield children already leave school tech-savvy, confident and capable users of AI, with a working knowledge of industry-standard programming languages as well as CAD and other creative software. However, it is obvious to me that the addition of digital platforms is not always the most beneficial approach. This is why each child will receive a physical DYLA passport, which will be stamped with an official school stamp upon completion of each element of the programme. This hands-on approach not only adds a tangible sense of achievement but also encourages children to engage more deeply with their experiences and reflect on them in discussion with the class teacher or other school staff before the stamp firmly signs an activity off.

While our current Year 6 cohort work through their passport of activities this term, I am already looking forward to September, when more children will begin their own leadership journeys. The Dukes Young Leaders Award is a testament to our commitment to nurturing well-rounded, resilient, and compassionate leaders and is poised to make a lasting positive impact.

All the best for the weekend.

Mr Anstey

and Notices

Whole School

Sports Day Merchandise

We are excited to organise handheld house flags made of 100% biodegradable paper with 100% biodegradable paper sticks for this year’s Sports Day. Please don’t forget to return the flags to us at the end of the event so that they can be re-used every year.
Thanks to Mr Gardner and the input of the PTA, parents can now also order house caps (standard adult size) as an optional merchandise offer. Please fill out this form by Friday 24th May if you would like to order a cap. The cost will be £10, and there is a minimum order quantity to make it viable.

Kew Fete

We are looking forward to the Kew Fete on Saturday 22nd June. Year 4 will once again sell their wonderful Elderflower drinks so please make sure to save the date and come support our Year 4 children.


Broomfield Magazine

This is a gentle reminder to parents of children who have passed their music exams in the last year or so (July 23’ – May 24’), to fill out this form as soon as possible if you have not done this already. Please include the name of your child, the instrument, the grade and then finally the result of the exam.

All results should be submitted via the above form but if you have any questions please contact Miss Fourie directly – ifourie@broomfieldhouse.com.



We are excited to welcome author Pari Thomson on 22nd May 2024. Ms Thomson will do a workshop with the children on her exciting new books, followed by a signing session where children can get a signed copy of her book. If you would like to purchase a book for your child, please complete the form (Click Here), return it to the school office and make a payment online. Thank you to everyone who has already done this.  


Year 6


The Year 6 Leavers Assembly will take place on Friday 24th May. Year 6 parents are invited to come and celebrate the assembly and can enter via the main gate on Princes Road at 8:50am. The assembly will start at 9am and will finish by 9:45am. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Year 4


On Thursday, the Year 4 children will go on a Spanish adventure. They will have the opportunity to practise their Spanish at the tasty La Rueda restaurant in Ealing. They will order their food and drink in Spanish and put into practise all they have learned in class. They are excited to sample some traditional Spanish dishes and have la mejor experiencia. 

Year 3


Year 3 are very excited for their trip to the Terrible Thames Boat Tour next Thursday 23rd May. This is a wicked river tour that takes in the history of the most famous river in the world. The children will leave school at 9:30am. They should wear their school PE Kit with their red PE caps and should bring a school raincoat in case there is any chance of rain. Please apply sun cream to your child before they come to school. The children should bring their school swim bag as it is easier to carry their packed lunch and water bottle in. They will be provided with a packed lunch. 

Year 2


Year 2 are looking forward to their upcoming trip to Ruislip Lido next week. The children should wear their school PE Kit with their red PE cap and bring their school raincoat if there is any chance of rain. PLease apply suncream to your child before they come to school. We will leave school at 9.15am and should return by 3-3.15pm (traffic dependent). The children should bring their school swim bag as it is easier to carry their packed lunch and water bottle in. They will be provided with a packed lunch. 

Dukes Plus

NEW Articles
May Day family fun – Dandelion London

Free Tickets

We are pleased to be able to offer free tickets to the following event courtesy of Chestertons Estate Agents.
(Please ensure you include the sentence above to credit Chestertons)
National Portrait Gallery
The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. The exhibition will be available to visit until 19th May 2024. 7 tickets remaining. Further info here: https://www.npg.org.uk/whatson/exhibitions/2024/the-time-is-always-now
To apply for free tickets please email laura.skinner@dukeseducation.com with the name of the event, your full name, and number of tickets requested. Tickets are offered on a first come, first served basis.
Bear Grylls Survival Academy: Overnight Camping Adventure
Saturday 22nd June – 23rd June
Kneller Hall
Quality time with family is such an important part of each of our lives, and there is no better way to do that than with Mother Nature herself. Learn from the team of highly trained instructors from Bear Grylls Survival Academy and take home incredible skills and memories you’ll never forget.
They have recreated some of the unique scenarios seen on Bear’s TV programs and will take you on an amazing survival journey. You will be introduced to skills used not only by Bear himself in some of the most extreme and wild environments on the planet, but also utilised by some of the most inspirational adventurers of the last 200 years.
Activities  will allow you to experience:
Building a shelter, tying knots, first aid, lighting fires, water filters, a smoke grenade, bear attack situational awareness, camouflage and concealment and a gross eat challenge.
60 places are available on a first come, first served basis for families with children aged 8 and over.
The rate is heavily subsidised by Dukes Club at £45 per person.


Dukes Young Leaders Launch

To celebrate the launch of the Dukes Young Leaders Award, we organised a fun scavenger hunt. Year 6 had to unravel clues and solve puzzles to uncover hidden treasures for a time capsule.

Through the DYLA programme, we will celebrate the emerging leadership qualities in every child, in their own unique way. Exploring wellbeing, community, communication, adventure and independence may mean something
different to every child, but they are all crucial tools for navigating life’s challenges.

The benefits of the DYLA extend far beyond our school walls. The DYLA Award will empower the children to thrive in any environment and make a positive difference in the world.

Summer Serenade

On Thursday 9th May and Tuesday 14th May we celebrated all things musical here at Broomfield with our Senior School and Lower School Summer Serenades. More than 50 Broomfield pupils performed a musical piece in front of a packed audience (both evenings!) and I am incredibly proud of all the children showing off their skill, hard work and resilience. Both evenings were very enjoyable for everybody involved and I would like to thank all the staff and wider school community for their help and support to ensure that our Summer Serenades were a wonderful showcase for Broomfield at its best.

Miss Fourie, Head of Music

Kindergarten to Holly Lodge

This week Kindergarten had a wonderful afternoon at Holly Lodge. They enjoyed learning about invertebrates through a range of fun hands-on experiences, such as log rolling, pond dipping and a life cycle of a butterfly trail! Well done Kindergarten for being so curious and inquisitive (and kind to the minibeasts).

Harry Potter Studios

On Thursday, Year 4 visited the Harry Potter studios and attended a ‘costume distressing’ workshop, (yeas, it’s a real job!), where they got to see some of the costumes from the films, and learnt how the designers go about creating many of the effects that we see on screen.  Then the children were able to explore everything the studio has to offer, and they even learnt how to fly a broomstick!  It was a great day and the children were superb, with one lady commenting that they were ‘a credit to the school.’  Well done Year 4 and I’m so pleased you enjoyed the day.

– Mrs Zammit

Art Highlight

In the after-school art club the children made butterflies which will decorate the walls next to the stage for the senior play. They worked with coloured paper and created a symmetrical design.

Weekly Awards

Drama Star of the Week
Lucas (Y2)
Artist of the Week
Christiaan (Y4)
Sports Stars of the Week
Music Star of the Week
Joy (Y2)

Polite Person of the Week

Pre-Kindergarten: Amber
Kindergarten: Joshua

Year 1: Kade
Year 2: Luke

Year 3: Ayan
Year 4: Grace

Year 5: Phoebe
Year 6: Mikayil

Upcoming Events

Monday 20th May
Tuesday 21st May
Wednesday 22nd May

9:15am: Y2 trip to Ruislip Lido 

9:30am: Author Visit – Y3 – Y6 

Thursday 23rd May

9:30am: Year 3 to Terrible Thames 

Friday 24th May

Last Day of half term – school finishes at 3:30pm

9am: Year 6 Leavers Assembly – Parents welcome 

3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach 

Monday 27th May

May Half Term  

Tuesday 28th May

May Half Term  

Wednesday 29th May

May Half Term  

Thursday 30th May

May Half Term  

Friday 31st May

May Half Term  

Playground Snapshots