Weekly Newsletter

Thoughts from the Study

Reflections on Davos

The 54th Annual Davos Forum ends today, a platform that aims to create a space for open discussions between governments, businesses, and thought leaders who are committed to improving the state of the world. I have always shown a keen interest in Davos, as it offers a great deal of opportunity to learn from others and to hear the many different perspectives on global themes. While the conversations happen in Switzerland, as a forward-thinking school, we recognise that these themes also carry weight locally and that a positive, proactive approach within education is needed to ensure our children are best prepared for the world today.

The forum has four key areas this year, which include achieving security and cooperation in a fractured world, creating growth and jobs for a new era, artificial intelligence as a driving force for the economy and society, and a long-term strategy for climate, nature, and energy. As I have been listening to some of the many interesting conversations from Davos, I have been reflecting on what it is we do in school around these themes.

At Broomfield, we are blessed with a wonderfully diverse school community, something we are proud of and embrace. We believe in nurturing a sense of global citizenship in our children, and we look for opportunities for children to share stories and experiences from their backgrounds to give others insights into their differing perspectives on the world around them. To prepare our children for a world where security and cooperation are crucial, we introduce activities across the curriculum that encourage understanding and empathy. The sports field is a prime learning environment that allows our children to understand that working as a team, rather than purely as an individual, often yields a greater outcome. Whether during classroom discussions in an ethics and philosophy session, or during an interactive lesson on world cultures, or participation in community projects, we want our children to learn the value of collaboration and support, and the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully. In an ever-evolving world, we need to ensure children are aware of global issues, but are also equipped with the skills to contribute positively to their local community.

During our staff training day a few weeks back, I enjoyed delivering an AI workshop to the staff team here. Artificial Intelligence is transforming our world, and it’s important that our staff and our children are well-informed and comfortable with this technology. We have already been introducing children in Year Six to the basics of AI in a fun and interactive way, with discussions around the benefits as well as the limitations. Our aim is to demystify AI, showing how it can be a tool for positive change and innovation. Through hands-on activities, children learn how AI is already impacting our daily lives and the potential it holds for shaping a better future. Although we do not overly market it, we are a highly techy school behind the scenes, with an advanced and future-proof network that allows us to embrace best practice when using technology. I am looking forward to attending a global EdTech conference next week, where I will be taking part in Round Table discussions, further improving my understanding of what technology is coming next to the education sector.

An understanding of new and emerging technology is also crucial in today’s fast-evolving job market. Although Broomfield is a prep school, we are already focusing on fundamental life skills that we hope will inspire our children to study further when they leave us at the end of Year Six and enter senior school. Confidence, not being afraid of failure, the development of entrepreneurial skills, and a creative mindset are something we aim to inspire in even our youngest children. Our new Forest School sessions are a great space to develop these skills, and I have been enjoying watching our Early Years children get a lot out of their outdoor learning. As part of our curriculum, we offer workshops on basic economics and encourage innovative thinking. By fostering a can-do attitude and resilience, we want to prepare the children not just to seek out future jobs but to create opportunities and drive growth in new and exciting fields. I am also very excited that we are launching the Little Leaders pathway across Early Years (more details on the Famly App), which is designed to further recognise the children as they develop the skills they will need in the future to inspire positive change.

We were delighted to win the Duke’s Sustainability Award in December. Our planet’s health is a priority, and I believe it crucial to instil a deep respect for the environment in our children. To support this, we integrate lessons on climate change, conservation, and sustainable living into our curriculum. The children participate in eco-friendly projects, learn about renewable energy sources, and understand their role in protecting nature. We also have a superb club that takes place during lunchtime each week, run by a fantastic leader and commercial expert in this area. Ultimately, we aim to empower the children with the knowledge and passion to be proactive in creating a greener, more sustainable world.

As is the case at Davos, each of these key areas is essential to reflect on, to ensure we prepare our children not just for academic success, but for becoming well-rounded, responsible individuals in a rapidly changing world.

All the very best for the weekend.

Mr Anstey


and Notices

Please click on the arrow to see the notices for each category

Whole School


Year 3 will be taking part in a Greek acting workshop on Monday in school and will be watching a performance of Medusa. They will also make Greek flat breads and create some Greek crafts! And we are very lucky, as Chef Tom will be treating the whole school to a Greek Menu for the day. We cannot wait. 



Chef Tom offers his amazing services to provide the option to have delicious birthday cupcakes for your child’s birthday for their class group. To do this, we need to receive at least one week’s notice. Please email your request to: office@broomfieldhouse.com a week before your child’s birthday so Chef Tom can make catering arrangements for this. Any late requests will be for the following week. Please also specify the flavour (chocolate/vanilla or mix) and the number of cupcakes. Cupcakes are £1 each and Mrs Crocker will invoice you for these. 



The PTA will be hosting a meeting on Monday 22nd January in the school Dining hall. The meeting is 6:30pm arrival for a 7pm start and Chef Tom will be providing some light refreshments. The agenda for the meeting will be sent on Monday. Also please see a reminder of the PTA upcoming events. 




PK and K


As a school, we are very proud of our music provision, and music is an integral part of life at Broomfield. We have a wonderful team of peripatetic staff, and currently, children have the opportunity to have individual music lessons, usually from Year 1 upwards. Over the course of the last few months, however, we have reviewed the starting age for individual music lessons and are pleased to extend one-to-one piano tuition to children in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. Please see the letter attached to the newsletter email for more information. 



On Wednesday, 24th January, the Kindergarten children will be taking their first trip of the new year to visit the Polka Theatre. The children are excited to see the production, “The Littlest Yak”. The class will be leaving school at 9am and will return around 12pm. The children will be getting a coach to the venue however they should wrap up well for walking to and from the coach. Chef Tom will prepare snacks and the class will be back at school in time for a warm lunch.



Kindergarten are going on their second trip of the week on Friday, 26th January to the amazing Red Beard Forest School at Syon Park. The class will depart school at 9am and will return at approximately 12pm. The children should wrap up well with layers of clothing and warm boots/shoes as they will be outside for the entire session. Chef Tom will prepare snacks and the class will be back at school in time for a warm lunch. They will be exploring winter in the great outdoors, woodland crafts and building a campfire.



In Broomfield Early Years, our goal is to lay the foundations for a happy childhood, a fulfilling future, and an enduring love of learning. We also know how important it is to prepare our children for the next steps on their learning journey. With that in mind, we are delighted to introduce you to Little Dukes, Little Leaders! 

Years 3 - 6

OPEN CLASS MORNING   – YEAR 3, 4 & 5  – FRIDAY 26th  

We are hosting our informal open class mornings again this spring term. Parents of children in Years 3, 4 and 5, are invited to come and view the classroom as well as have a coffee and chat to the teachers and members of the Senior Leadership Team.  We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 3, 4 & 5 parents on Friday 26th January at 8:30am – 9am. Parents can come at the usual drop off time and accompany their child to their classroom, where they can show you around. After 10 minutes, parents are invited to make their way to the dining hall to have a coffee and chat.   



We have had a great response to the Broomfield House Rocks band that we are starting in school. Mr McNeillie wanted to share some more information with you in relation to this. The group band session will take place every Tuesday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm starting on 20th February. The children attending will be provided with a snack. Private tuition with Mr McNeillie will take place during the school day on a Tuesday and can start from next Tuesday, 23rd of January. All children in the school are welcome to join the band. No musical training required. Open to Years 4 to 6. Please contact Mr McNeillie on GMcNeillie@broomfieldhouse.com to sign up. 

Dukes Club

Half term ideas: Half term is looming, and you may be wondering how to fill your children’s free time. Katie Krais, JK Educate, gives a useful guide with a great selection of ideas to entertain them across the week.


Pre-K Explorers

It’s a big world out there, and our PK explorers are on a mission to discover it all!

This week PK have been exploring winter, making observational drawings by the school pond, and watercolour paintings. The children have been learning about how water changes to ice, making sculptures to leave outside to freeze overnight, then watching them glisten and melt in the sun the next day! PK have also been learning about the traditional tale of The Three Little Pigs, through a range of fun activities.

Y5 Netball Game Vs St Catherine's

The Year 5 and 6 netball teams went to St Catherine’s school this week for a netball fixture. Both teams did really well, securing wins in both matches. The girls displayed some excellent netball skills and great sportsmanship. All their hard work and practise is paying off. Well done to all.

Year 5 Trip

On Wednesday, Year 5 enjoyed spending the morning at Kingston Grammar School, immersing themselves in the “Energy Live” workshop courtesy of the Royal Institute of Science. The audience-led show featured live science experiments, with fire-based demonstrations that helped to demystify the mysteries of different energy stores. Thank you to Mrs Hassan for organising such a power-packed show, leaving everyone charged up for more!

Weekly Awards

Drama Star of the Week
Merlin (K)
Sports Star of the Week
Kazuto (Y2)
Artist of the Week
Eva (Y3)
Music Star of the Week
Isabella (Y3)

Polite Person of the Week

Pre-Kindergarten: Diego
Kindergarten: Ryan

Year 1: Kazuto
Year 2: Joy

Year 3: Camila
Year 4: Hamish

Year 5: Margot
Year 6: Lara

Upcoming Events

Monday 22nd Jan

11:30am: Year 3 Greek Workshop 

6:30pm: PTA Meeting – Dining Hall 

Tuesday 23rd Jan
Wednesday 24th Jan

9am: Kindergarten to the Polka Theatre

Thursday 25th Jan
Friday 26th Jan

8:30am: Open Class Morning – Years 3, 4, & 5 

9am – 12pm: Kindergarten to Forest School 

3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach  

Monday 29th Jan
Tuesday 30th Jan

8:10am – 2pm: Y5 Debating Team at Dulwich Hamlet Jnr School 

Wednesday 31st Jan
Thursday 1st Feb

09:30am – 2pm: Y4 to Hampton Court Palace 

Friday 2nd Feb

ISA Cross Country – Sherfield School 

8am: Y6 to Parliament 

8:30am: Open Class Morning Y1/Y2 

9am – 12pm: PK to Forest School 

Playground Snapshots