Palmer House Cake Sale
The highly anticipated annual Palmer House Raffle and Cake Sale will take place on the bottom patch on Friday 21st June. (The raffle will take place during Friday’s assembly). We are looking forward to lots of delicious cakes and treats. Please remember to send all children in on Monday with £1 to buy raffle tickets. Palmer families are asked to please donate raffle prizes to Mrs Zammit from Monday. Please also bake cakes and bring them to school on Friday morning for the sale which will be held in the playground at 3:30pm. Allergy labels will come home with the children next week and must be completed for all cakes. Parents must accompany children buying cakes to confirm any allergies. Kindly remember we are a nut free school and we can not accept any cakes that may contain nuts when preparing your delicious treats. The charity event raises much needed funds for the Phoenix Projects in Guatemala, click here for more information.
Kew Fête
The Kew Fête will take place on Saturday 22nd June on Kew Green. Our Year 4 children will operate their annual Elderflower Stall, with recipes and delights that have all been made by hand. There are lots of fun activities to take part in at the Fête so make sure you save the date. Parking can be sticky around the Green, so we suggest you jump on the tube/bus. 11am-6pm. Entry is free and we look forward to seeing you there.
Birthday Cupcakes
As we have a busy few weeks ahead, please ensure you give a full week’s notice for birthday cupcakes. For the rest of the summer term we will only be able to accommodate these requests for Tuesday – Friday. There will be no cupcakes on Mondays for the rest of the summer term. Thank you.
Summer Camp 2024
We are very excited to be running our wonderful Summer Camp this year and children between the ages of 3 and 11 years are welcome to join us. The sessions will run from Monday 15 to Friday 19 July. It will be run by our own staff, supported by helpers from within our school community. Please click on the link for more information and to book your child’s place. Summer Camp 2024.
Promotional Photography – Monday 17th June
A professional photographer will be visiting our school on Monday, 17th June, to take promotional photos. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to capture some photos around school. And who knows, maybe one of the photos will make the cover of the yearly magazine!
The photographer will have a list of children who do not have permission to be included in promotional school photography.
Please make sure children are dressed in full summer uniforms including hats, unless they have a sports lesson, when they should wear their sports kit. We look forward to this exciting opportunity to highlight the many wonderful aspects of our school community.
Atom Learning
SPORTS DAY 2024 – Y2 – Y6
Our annual Sports Day for Years 2 – 6 will take place on Wednesday 19th June from 9.30am – 1pm. Your child will bring home a House T–shirt which they should wear to school on Wednesday with the rest of their sports kit. Please ensure the children have their red sports cap, and a water bottle. Please also apply plenty of sun cream if the weather is warm and sunny. The children will come to school as normal on Wednesday morning. Sports Day events will start at 9:30am at Old Deer Park and you are welcome to join us and take the spectator seats in the stand. There is no parking at the venue so please walk or use public transport if possible. If you do need to park, please use the neighbouring roads, but be aware of the various parking restrictions.
The children will walk to Old Deer Park in their classes, arriving at around 9:15am, ready for the field events to begin at 9:30am. Once the children are in place for the events, spectators will be invited down from the stand to watch the children from the viewing areas marked out on the field. Please keep to the parent viewing area at all times and avoid crossing the boundary lines while the children are taking part in their events. Once the field events are finished the track events will take place and spectators will be asked to take their seats in the stand overlooking the track. We expect the track events will finish around 12:30pm and the Winners Shield will be presented once we have collated all the final points and results.
Once Sports Day is over, the children will walk back to school for lunch and afternoon lessons. As Sports Day takes place on Wednesday morning there will be no Games session on Wednesday afternoon, therefore, pick up for Year 4 to 6 children will be at 3:30pm from school.
The members bar at Old Deer Park will be open all day and parents are welcome to purchase drinks, including tea and coffee inside. We ask that no alcohol is consumed during Sports Day events, although it is probably a bit early for most of us anyway! For children in Years 2 and 3 there will be no Games lesson on Thursday, as they will have participated in Sports Day on the Wednesday. We are very excited to be able to welcome parents for this fantastic event and hope the children have a special day full of wonderful Broomfield memories.
Y1 and 2 Poetry Recital
For the upcoming Poetry Recital on Wednesday 26th June, please ensure that your child is in their best uniform and arrives at school on time. This will allow the children time to do a final run through and for us to calm any nerves. Kindly encourage your child to recite their poem aloud to you at home, focusing on pace, expression and tone. This year, we welcome another wonderful guest judge, Kim Faria. Kim has enjoyed over a decade in children’s publishing, making books and gifts for babies, preschoolers and families. She has worked as a designer, producer and illustrator for various publishers including Hachette, Macmillan and storytelling startup Wonderbly. For Kim, every book is a chance to play a small, but special part in someone’s childhood – it’s the dream! Thank you to every family for your time and ongoing support; we look forward to welcoming you to join us in celebrating the children’s hard work in a few weeks. Year 1 and 2 parents are welcome to come and join us and should come through the Princes Road gate at 8:55am and go to the hall.
Autumn term enrichment and extra curricular clubs
The autumn term will bring a few changes to the enrichment schedule. As is always the case, clubs and after school care bookings will not be carried over from the Summer term, parents will need to book in again for all their after school/before school care requirements as well as clubs. This can all be done on the SOCS portal. If you do not have a sign in, please let Mrs Crocker know, she can be contacted on The booking window will open on Monday 10th June and close Monday 24th June after which time you will not be able to make any further bookings.
Monday Art Session: For children in Years 4, 5, and 6, focusing on complex projects such as acrylic painting on canvas, watercolour techniques, observational drawing, sketchbook work, clay, and paper mâché. This session, led by Ms Frey, encourages deeper exploration of art and prepares interested children for competitions, scholarships, and portfolios.
Thursday Art Session: Mrs Zammit will lead this session for Year 1 and 2 children, offering a variety of arts activities. Details are available on the SOCS portal.
Other Club News
On a final note, currently fees are based on a 10-week term, meaning the termly charge is based on the cost of 10 sessions. However, terms are often longer than 10 weeks, causing issues for parents needing wrap-around care. Starting this autumn term, in an effort to support the working parents, we are proposing that clubs will run for the duration of the term. For example, the autumn term is 14 weeks long, so clubs will run for 13 weeks (excluding the October half term). Therefore, there will be 13 sessions to pay for this term rather than the usual 10.
Please make sure to rebook your child’s clubs and care requirements through the SOCS portal starting from Monday, 10th June. For any queries or if you need a SOCS sign-in, contact Mrs Crocker at
Thanks to everyone who signed up!
Location: Old Deer Park behind Pools on the Park (off the Twickenham Rd)
Time: Race starts at 9am (arrive by 8:45)
Details: BHS parents will be there to watch your kids & bags while you race. Post-race croissants and juice.
Any Qs: contact Y3/Y5 parent Laura Schooling: 07787 476 388
Before half-term, the BHS PTA quiz returned after a hiatus of several years, bringing together a lively crowd and enthusiastic representation from most year groups. The atmosphere was electric as teams eagerly competed for the top spot! Our fantastic quiz masters, Sally and Amanda, guided the event with flair and humour, keeping everyone entertained and engaged.
The highlight of the evening was the fierce competition, with the Year 2 team (“We Will Rob you”) ultimately clinching the overall victory.
A special mention goes to Year 4 (“Fab 4”) for their imaginative depiction of Mr. Anstey, which won them the art round: “Artist of the Week”.
The night was made even more enjoyable thanks to the delicious curry provided by local favorite Curry Bae, organised flawlessly by Mairi Ares-Fernandez.
It was an unforgettable evening of fun, laughter, and community spirit, setting a high bar for future PTA events. Congratulations to all the participants and many thanks to everyone who contributed to making the night a resounding success!
Last Friday, the PTA arranged BHS’s first Inter-Class Mums Night at The Hope in Richmond, marking a new tradition of camaraderie and fun…accompanied with the delight of leaving behind the usual routines of homework and bedtime stories.
As the night progressed, the volume of sound increased and all were instantly transported back to the glory days of the 90s and 00s. The dance floor became their stage as they sang along to every lyric. (Who would have guessed a decidedly middle class room of lovely ladies would demonstrate their inner gangsta en masse, declaring that they truly are the “kind of G that little homies want to be like”?!)
Between the dancing and singing, there were moments of shared stories and heartfelt conversations. The energy was electric and as the clock ticked past midnight, there were no signs of waning and everyone continue to dance embracing the night with high spirits until the dong of last orders rang.
It was a night of pure joy and connection, a perfect blend of the old and the new, and a reminder of the power of friendship and fun across BHS classes.
Thank you to all who attended!
Our Junior Sports Day was a resounding success! Pupils from PK, K and Year 1 participated in a variety of events, showcasing their athletic abilities and cheering each other on. The day was a wonderful display of sportsmanship and camaraderie, with everyone contributing to a vibrant and supportive atmosphere. A big thank you to Mr Pache for organising the event. Thanks also to all the staff who made the event possible, and to the families and friends who came to support. It was a memorable day for everyone involved.
More photos to follow next week!
Great news! The Eco Trail maps are now available to be picked up from Caffe Torelli, Halletts Estate Agents and in the box in front of our main gate. The map is printed on 100% recycled paper.
We also had a very exciting delivery this week: our Koalas have now arrived in school. We will select 10 lucky winners on 10th July. Did you know that the Koalas started as plastic waste and only later turned into super cute soft toys?
Bring your family, enjoy the walk, and start important conversations about how we can all contribute to a greener future. Let’s make a positive impact together!
Send us your photos from the Eco Trail for inclusion in Friday’s newsletter to:
Year 1 looked at the proportion of the human body. They drew people, designed their outfits, and assembled them into a collage.
Lamda Exams for Years 3-6 – All Day
8:30 – 9am: Y3 Parents Informal Coffee morning with Y4 team.
1 – 3pm: Y6 Primary Shakespeare Hamlet Workshop in School
2 – 3pm: Y3 to Kew Gardens for Photography Session
8:30 – 9am: Kindergarten Parents Informal Coffee morning with Y1 team.
3:30 – 4:45pm: Y6 Play Rehearsals
4 – 5pm: Stay & Play in PK – After School Care Collection will be from Kindergarten
3 – 5:30pm: Six Y5 children Debating at Ibstock Place for rehearsal
9am – 1:30pm: Y2 – 6 Sports Day – Parents to collect at 3:30pm from the school.
9:15am – 10:30am: New Pupil Induction Day in Dining Hall
2:30pm – 5pm: Y5 Parents online meetings with NC/HK
NB: No Games for Y2 & Y3
8:30 – 9am: Y2 Parents Informal Coffee morning with Y3 team.
8:30am – 3:30pm: Y5 Debating Final – Hampton Court Palace
9am: Palmer Raffle in Assembly
1pm – 4pm: Kew Cup rescheduled at London Welsh – Parents welcome
3:30pm: Palmer Cake Sale on bottom patch
3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach
8am – 6pm: Kew Fete – Year 4
9:30am: Whole School Photograph – All children to attend school in full school uniform
11 – 1:30pm: Den Day and House Picnic
9am: Y1 & Y2 Poetry Recital
10am: Kindergarten to London Museum of Water & Steam
3:45 – 4:15pm: Piano Recital for Mr Ali’s Piano children
8:30 – 9am: Year 4 Parents Informal Coffee morning with Y5 team.
9:30 – 11:30am: PK to Forest School
9:30 – 3pm: Year 2 to Legoland
10:30 – 11:30am: Y6 to Orange Tree Theatre
3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach
Happy Lunar New Year 2025!
Today, our Kindergarten children had some very special visitors as we celebrated the Year of the Snake! Parents joined us to share stories and traditions, giving the children a wonderful insight. The children particularly enjoyed the crafts, including making colourful snakes using balloons! 🐍 They also dressed in beautiful traditional outfits, enjoyed music, and danced to welcome the new year.
#LunarNewYear2025 #YearOfTheSnake #CulturalCelebrations #BroomfieldHouseSchool
Happy Lunar New Year 2025!
Today, our Kindergarten children had some very special visitors as we celebrated the Year of the Snake! Parents joined us to share stories and traditions, giving the children a wonderful insight. The children particularly enjoyed the crafts, including making colourful snakes using balloons! 🐍 They also dressed in beautiful traditional outfits, enjoyed music, and danced to welcome the new year.
#LunarNewYear2025 #YearOfTheSnake #CulturalCelebrations #BroomfieldHouseSchool ...
Building memories, one brick at a time. Happy International Lego Day from Broomfield! 🧱 #internationallegoday #creativeplay
Building memories, one brick at a time. Happy International Lego Day from Broomfield! 🧱 #internationallegoday #creativeplay ...
Every story has the power to transport us to another place.
Ahead of National Storytelling Week, we are celebrating our talented young writers at Broomfield.📕
Every story has the power to transport us to another place.
Ahead of National Storytelling Week, we are celebrating our talented young writers at Broomfield.📕
#youngwriters ...
Happy New Year from all of us at Broomfield!
On Monday we kicked off the spring term with the Dukes Education Conference at Wembley. We are delighted to share that our Headmaster, Adam Anstey, and the school were honoured with the Wellbeing Initiative Award in recognition of the effective efforts to promote wellbeing among both children and staff.
This award is a true testament to what is one of the cornerstones of our philosophy and work at Broomfield.
With the theme “The Heart of Education” the conference provided a fantastic opportunity for professional development. Thought-provoking discussions explored the impact of AI, the future of education, and the critical importance of character development in shaping the young leaders of tomorrow.
Happy New Year from all of us at Broomfield!
On Monday we kicked off the spring term with the Dukes Education Conference at Wembley. We are delighted to share that our Headmaster, Adam Anstey, and the school were honoured with the Wellbeing Initiative Award in recognition of the effective efforts to promote wellbeing among both children and staff.
This award is a true testament to what is one of the cornerstones of our philosophy and work at Broomfield.
With the theme “The Heart of Education” the conference provided a fantastic opportunity for professional development. Thought-provoking discussions explored the impact of AI, the future of education, and the critical importance of character development in shaping the young leaders of tomorrow. ...
We are excited to welcome all our families back to school for another great term at Broomfield! 🌟
We are excited to welcome all our families back to school for another great term at Broomfield! 🌟 ...
At the end of the term, we reflect on many events, trips, and achievements. From the early days of settling into routines in Early Years to the progress made across all year groups, it’s been a wonderfully busy term.
Wishing all families a restful break! 🎄🌟
At the end of the term, we reflect on many events, trips, and achievements. From the early days of settling into routines in Early Years to the progress made across all year groups, it’s been a wonderfully busy term.
Wishing all families a restful break! 🎄🌟 ...
This week, on Wednesday, we welcomed M&M Theatrical Productions for a fun and engaging pantomime performance. The actors performed brilliantly, captivating both children and staff alike. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to immerse themselves in live theatre and enjoy a well-deserved treat in the last week of term.
This week, on Wednesday, we welcomed M&M Theatrical Productions for a fun and engaging pantomime performance. The actors performed brilliantly, captivating both children and staff alike. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to immerse themselves in live theatre and enjoy a well-deserved treat in the last week of term. ...
On Tuesday last week, children from Years 2 - 6 gathered at St. Anne’s Church to kick off the festive season with our annual Christmas Carol Service. Each year group contributed beautifully, and we felt immense pride listening to their lovely singing and instrument playing. An extra ‘well done’ to Year 6 who read the nine lessons brilliantly, telling us the story of the birth of Jesus. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this wonderful occasion.
On Tuesday last week, children from Years 2 - 6 gathered at St. Anne’s Church to kick off the festive season with our annual Christmas Carol Service. Each year group contributed beautifully, and we felt immense pride listening to their lovely singing and instrument playing. An extra ‘well done’ to Year 6 who read the nine lessons brilliantly, telling us the story of the birth of Jesus. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this wonderful occasion. ...
A huge thank you to parents who supported the PTA in organising the Broomfield Christmas Market this year. There were beautiful gifts, delicious market food and a lovely community rendition of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’. Thank you to Halletts Estate Agents for sponsoring the event.
A huge thank you to parents who supported the PTA in organising the Broomfield Christmas Market this year. There were beautiful gifts, delicious market food and a lovely community rendition of ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’. Thank you to Halletts Estate Agents for sponsoring the event. ...
This morning, the Junior School children impressed us with fabulous Nativity and Christmas performances. Kindergarten brought a unique twist with their charming roles as ladybirds, caterpillars, and even bees. 🐝 Each performance was a triumph!
This morning, the Junior School children impressed us with fabulous Nativity and Christmas performances. Kindergarten brought a unique twist with their charming roles as ladybirds, caterpillars, and even bees. 🐝 Each performance was a triumph! ...
We are excited to share that we won 1st prize for 3D group work (Key Stage 2) with our stunning mosaic at the ISA National Art Competition! Every child in school contributed to this art project. A huge congratulations also to Evelyn, whose tiger painting was highly commended. @isaartsuk
We are excited to share that we won 1st prize for 3D group work (Key Stage 2) with our stunning mosaic at the ISA National Art Competition! Every child in school contributed to this art project. A huge congratulations also to Evelyn, whose tiger painting was highly commended. @isaartsuk ...
Children are spending plenty of time exploring and enjoying the new garden. A favourite activity has been transforming fallen leaves into beautiful, creative decorations 🍂🍁.
Children are spending plenty of time exploring and enjoying the new garden. A favourite activity has been transforming fallen leaves into beautiful, creative decorations 🍂🍁. ...