Community Spirit

Posted: 21st February 2023

Mrs Pache, Broomfield’s Deputy Head, is a woman with a passion for helping children achieve their best.  Her work in embedding pastoral care into school life means that children feel safe and comfortable in their own skins, respecting and welcoming their differences.  This leads to a strong community spirit in school where everyone recognises both their own value and the contributions of others.

The impact of her efforts, and that of our teaching team, helps pupils to be confident in volunteering ideas and answers in class, knowing that their input will be respected even if they make mistakes.  Consequently, continuous learning becomes a key part of any child’s journey.

The spring edition of the Independent School Parent Magazine contains her article on developing community spirit in Broomfield.  In particular, she explains how creating positive interactions between children in different year groups supports this, as well as enhancing opportunities for personal development.  We call this system vertical integration, and it has served us well in building a strong, cooperative environment in which our children thrive.

Click the box below to read Mrs Pache’s article.

Categories: Academics

We are excited to invite local families to our new stay and play sessions for children aged 18 months – 3 years old. There is no charge but spaces are limited. All local parents are welcome to join us! Please book a place here. We look forward to welcoming you for a fun session at Broomfield House School.