We’re coming back to school!

Posted: 26th February 2021

The winter is waning, spring bulbs are flowering, the days are longer and the sun is shining but, best of all, we are coming back to school!  We are looking forward to the hum of children’s voices and the shrieks of laughter in the playground, 8th March can’t come too soon.  The Key Worker children have been keeping the cheer of school life going during lockdown but are so looking forward to their classmates joining them.  Today’s Bake Off was the quintessentially English Victoria sponge, a staple of many an afternoon tea.  Here are the competitive chefs, pictured with Ms Scorer’s beautiful and delicious offering.  Mr Anstey’s is still in the oven so the taste test will have to wait.

Categories: Academics

We are excited to invite local families to our new stay and play sessions for children aged 18 months – 3 years old. There is no charge but spaces are limited. All local parents are welcome to join us! Please book a place here. We look forward to welcoming you for a fun session at Broomfield House School.