ABHSMIHS18 (271)

Early Years ILE Programme

At Broomfield House School, we value each child as an individual and strive to help them develop as the people they are.  The Individual Learning Enhancement (ILE) Programme is the vehicle through which we identify and support pupils differing needs.  We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards and offer a personalised approach to enhance their learning and help them flourish.

Our Early Years classes have a high staff to pupil ratio enabling the children to be supported in small groups when completing lesson activities.  Additionally, through termly Class Review meetings, the class teacher and Head of ILE jointly review the development and progress of each child, to determine the extra support we give individually under the ILE programme.

Our Languages teacher works with children for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) in order to accelerate their English speaking and listening skills.  She also supports the class with language and communication development.