For information on general school matters such as the structure of the school day, how we manage medical issues and emergencies.
For information on general school matters such as the structure of the school day, how we manage medical issues and emergencies.
As soon as possible after birth.
Many parents register at more than one school. It is fine to do this as Broomfield is a popular school and, once the main list is full, we cannot guarantee a place at the time of registration.
The registration fee is £100 and is non-refundable.
We give priority to siblings, children of former parents and staff, pupils at our sister schools, the Riverside Nursery Schools.
We are a non-selective school for entry into our Early Years classes. For occasional places higher up the school we carry out gentle assessments to ascertain a child’s level of ability and prior learning. We may suggest your child joins us for an extended morning to take the assessments, spends some lesson and play time with their potential classmates and enjoys lunch with us. The Headmaster will give you feedback so you can jointly decide if Broomfield would be a good fit for your child. You will also have their personal experience of a day at Broomfield.
We are a non-denominational school. We hold our annual carol service at St. Anne’s Church, Kew Green. In our assemblies we sing songs and hymns and usually say a prayer. We teach the children about all major world religions and about agnosticism and atheism.
The deposit is £3000. If you leave, a full term’s written notice before the start of term to the Headmaster, is required. If you leave, with the required notice, it is refunded at the end of the child’s final term, less any outstanding charges.
Our main intake is into Pre-Kindergarten in the September after a child’s third birthday. Occasional places may become available higher up the school. Please contact Mrs Abensur, Head of Admissions if you are interested in a place. Tel: 020 8940 3884 or email
Our classes usually don’t rise above 24. Every class has a teacher and a teaching assistant with them throughout the school day. The Early Years classes generally have a teacher and 2 teaching assistants. Additionally, teachers from our Individual Learning Enhancement programme also support children on a one-to-one basis or in small groups to provide the more bespoke learning we offer to all our pupils.
All Pre-Kindergarten children are in school between 8.45am to 12.05pm each day and we offer afternoon sessions also, until 3.30pm. We encourage children to stay for at least one afternoon in the autumn term, two in the spring term and three in the summer term to prepare them for full time school. Children staying for the afternoon will have a hot lunch and story time, followed by plan, do and review activities. Wraparound care is also available from 8am every day and after school until 5.30pm on Mondays to Thursdays.
There is a wide range of after school clubs which typically run from 3.30pm to 4.30/5pm. After School Care is also available until 5.30pm Monday to Thursday. It operates in two sessions so children can take a club first and join After School Care afterwards.
Here is a summary of the timings of key activities throughout the school day.
Pre-Kindergarten: 8.45am to 12.05pm or 3.30pm if attending afternoon sessions. Children may be brought to their classrooms at 8.30am for early drop off.
Kindergarten: 8.45am to 3.30pm, children may be brought to their classrooms at 8.30am for early drop off.
Years 1 – 6: 8.30am to 3.30pm.
Please note:
Morning break: 20 minutes at 10.30am. Snacks and fruit are supplied at this time, along with milk for children in Early Years and Year 1. Older children and younger ones with an allergy or intolerance to dairy will drink water.
Lunch: Served in four sittings from 12.00 to 1.30pm.
Before School Care: Open between 8am and 8.30am everyday.
After School Care: Monday to Thursday (not Friday), between 3.30pm and 5.30pm in 2 sessions.
Holiday dates are published approximately one academic year in advance. We ask families to adhere to these as it is disruptive to children’s education to miss lessons. We discourage any term time absence, except due to illness, as lessons are planned to cover the full academic year and any absence means missing new material.
Any proposed term time absence must be requested in advance and in writing and the Headteacher will consider each case on an individual basis.
All academic and support staff are First Aid trained and will provide any treatment deemed to be in the best interests of the health and safety of the child. Parents of Early Years’ children will be advised of any treatment given in school. The parents of older children will be advised of more serious instances or any head bumps.
Parents are asked to advise us each day that their child is ill, either by phone or email.
If a child has any of the following symptoms they should not come into school:
If a child becomes unwell parents will be asked to collect them and we will comfort and care for them until the parent arrives. Parents must advise us if their child develops any infectious condition, such as conjunctivitis or measles. We work with parents to maintain a healthy school and to limit the spread of infection between children. We will inform parents of any identified conditions as appropriate.
Any prescribed medication to be taken at school must be labelled with the child’s name, dosage and instructions and given by a parent or carer (not the child) to the school office. Written permission must be given for the medication to be administered at school.
Medication will be kept securely in the first aid cupboard or fridge in the school office.
Parents are responsible for their child’s medication and must update the school office over any changes and ensure medicines are in date.
In an emergency, such as a flood or extreme weather conditions, we will send an email or text to all parents advising them of the situation. Also an emergency notice will be posted on the website, giving any necessary information or advice.