

Broomfield House School Parent Teacher Association is very active and has three main functions:

  • to form a link between parents and the school
  • to organise social events for parents and their children
  • to fundraise for specific equipment and events to benefit the children

The PTA Committee is made up of the Head, teachers and parent representatives from each class who are elected at our Annual General Meeting. The officer roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer are elected at the first committee meeting. Committee meetings are held once every half-term and all parents are welcome to attend even if they are not a Rep.

The PTA Reps liaise between parents and teachers and are a key part in helping to foster the strong community which Broomfield enjoys. They are responsible for class lists and communication to parents in their class, organising class parties and coffee mornings, helping out at PTA events and representing their class at the PTA meetings. Reps will often also assist on school photo days, class trips or other activities such as our very own cycling event, the Tour de Broomfield.

The PTA organises a number of fundraising and social events throughout the year. These include the themed Summer Fair, an exciting Christmas Market, a very popular annual parents’ social, a quiz night and the second-hand uniform sale.  Every parent is encouraged to join in and support their Class Reps in running stalls and activities as part of the fundraising endeavour.

The funds raised by the PTA finance visiting authors, speakers, musicians, theatre groups and specialist Maths, Literacy and Science days. The PTA has also helped to fund, amongst many other things, playground awnings to enable all-weather-play, sports kits, African drums, games and dressing up items, library books and playground equipment.

It is a great way to get to know the staff and other parents throughout the school and ultimately benefit your children. We are always grateful for new volunteers and fresh ideas so please do get involved.

Second Hand Uniform

The PTA run a second hand uniform store. All items are donated by parents and the proceeds of any sales support the fund raising activities of the PTA.

PTA Contacts

Chair: Mrs Olwen Bonye

Email: PTAchair@broomfieldhouse.com

Treasurer: Mrs Rachel Watson

Email: PTAtreasurer@broomfieldhouse.com

Secretary: Mrs Helen Hughes.

Email: PTAsecretary@broomfieldhouse.com

Second Hand Uniform Coordinator: Ms Kirsty Clark.

Email: PTAuniform@broomfieldhouse.com

These email addresses are checked regularly but not daily so please be patient if waiting for a response.


We are excited to invite local families to our new stay and play sessions for children aged 18 months – 3 years old. There is no charge but spaces are limited. All local parents are welcome to join us! Please book a place here. We look forward to welcoming you for a fun session at Broomfield House School.