Individual Music Lessons

Broomfield’s Music curriculum given by our Music Teacher is primarily based on music and movement, singing and percussion as the children learn about rhythm and pitch.  We also want the children to have the chance to learn a musical instrument if this interests them.  It is widely recognised that playing an instrument develops the brain in ways that strongly support cognitive function and can improve children’s performance in other areas of the curriculum, particularly in Maths.

Our team of peripatetic music teachers come into school to teach instrumental music lessons on a one-to-one basis, generally from Year 1 upwards.  You might be astonished at the variety of instruments they are able cover, from the euphonium to the violin, the clarinet to the drums, we are likely be able to find and teach an instrument that could introduce your child to a lifelong love of music.

Once the children have mastered the basics, we are delighted for them to join our school orchestra which meets weekly and plays at many key events in Broomfield’s calendar.  Your small musicians are equally welcome to join orchestra if they take music lessons at home.  Our Music Teacher has developed some astonishing programmes which allow the more accomplished children to shine whilst the less experienced gain confidence playing in a group.  The PTA have been investing in an instrument library, so if your child is interested in lessons we can probably loan you an instrument for a few weeks while you, and they, decide if it might click.  Lessons are 30 minutes and usually take place in the school day, or just before or after school.

We are excited to invite local families to our new stay and play sessions for children aged 18 months – 3 years old. There is no charge but spaces are limited. All local parents are welcome to join us! Please book a place here. We look forward to welcoming you for a fun session at Broomfield House School.