International Families

Since the 1880s, Broomfield has been welcoming pupils from all over the world.  We have considerable experience in helping families who are coming to the UK permanently or on assignment for a few years.  We endeavour to make the transition to Broomfield and the British private education system as smooth as possible and tailor our programme to the needs of each family.  We have an established support system for children whose first language is not English.  Most parents are astonished by the ease and speed with which their children adapt to speaking English fluently.

Where possible we invite international families to visit us in person before offering a school place. We ask to see reports from previous schools and do some gentle assessments with the children coming into Year 2 and above, to assess their educational level.  This enables us to advise parents about any learning gaps we would need to address.  Where possible we work with families to prepare children for their start at Broomfield in the period between accepting a place and the child starting school.  If visiting the school is not possible we will arrange for any assessments to take place remotely.

We are often able to introduce prospective new families to current or past Broomfield parents of the same nationality, who can advise on life at our school and in Kew.  We have good relationships with local (real) estate agents and can put you in contact with them if you wish.  Once in London, our parent body is very welcoming and invitations are often issued by established families to parties, picnics and other events.

“I first learned about Broomfield in an internet search during the Covid-19 pandemic.  I called Ms Cash, laden with all the doubts, concerns and fears that moving to another country in such challenging times brought. From that first contact, the process has been extremely smooth, with amazing professional collaboration all the way, from the Headteacher, the Teachers and even the Chef.  Everyone was always ready to help and answer our questions, making the integration of my daughters easy, simple and very successful.  I couldn’t be more happy with our choice and I definitely recommend Broomfield.”

Mrs Moreira, Portugal, via France

“Ms Cash made us feel at home from the very beginning.  The kindness and warmth from all the team really helped us settle and for that we will always be grateful.  Our children spoke almost no English at first but within a short time, due to the focused and dedicated effort of the teachers, they were able to communicate very well.  We are glad to be part of the Broomfield family, a community that blends the tradition of an English school with a deep sense of diversity in the modern world.”

Ms Sanguinetti, Chile

“The community at Broomfield and especially the wonderful families in Kindergarten have made us feel so welcome and have truly enriched our lives in every facet.”

Mrs Edwards, USA

We are excited to invite local families to our new stay and play sessions for children aged 18 months – 3 years old. There is no charge but spaces are limited. All local parents are welcome to join us! Please book a place here. We look forward to welcoming you for a fun session at Broomfield House School.