Celebrating the harvest with our neighbours

Posted: 27th October 2020

Each year Broomfield enjoys a wonderful community experience in partnership with the Kew Neighbourhood Association.  Our generous families send in some luxury food items for our Harvest Festival Assembly and our Year 6 families and children have a wonderful time delivering them to around 50 local people who would love a harvest gift box.  Inevitably, the time the children spent in friendly chat was more socially distanced than usual but they enjoyed the experience and we know those people receiving the treats will relish the surprise.

Year 4 also celebrated harvest by creating sumptuous still life art as they worked on their observational skills, looking at cut fruits, as well as reflecting on composition and colour contrasts.

Not to be outdone Year 5 learned about Italian artist, Giuseppe Archimboldo, and were inspired by his fruit and vegetable portraits.  They worked in mixed media technique and contemplated colour combinations.

With these bright and imaginative paintings adorning the Broomfield Hall we can truly appreciate the joy of harvest!

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We are excited to invite local families to our new stay and play sessions for children aged 18 months – 3 years old. There is no charge but spaces are limited. All local parents are welcome to join us! Please book a place here. We look forward to welcoming you for a fun session at Broomfield House School.