We have been proud to support Harry in Year 6 who asked to lead an initiative to raise awareness of the Australian bushfires. His knowledge and passion came out strongly in his address to our assembly on Wednesday, which was illustrated with some extraordinary photographs. Harry showed us where the fires are burning, along Australia’s East Coast where many major population centres are located. He talked about the impact they are having on people’s lives with over 6000 buildings having been destroyed and air quality worsening. As their habitat has been swallowed up by the fires many animals have been affected especially koalas, as they are slow-moving, sedentary creatures. As small fires have merged to create larger fires it has become harder and more dangerous for the firefighters to tackle them and, while Australia often experiences more limited blazes, this is bigger than anything experienced since 1974. Thank you to our generous families for your donations, around £350 was raised and will be divided between the Australian Red Cross and the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital. Thanks also to Harry for his enlightening talk and call to action which was brilliantly delivered. This morning Charlie, Lachlan, Sienna, Harry and Anabel-Phoebe read a poem, My Country, in celebration of Australia Day which takes place this weekend. Here he is making Anzac biscuits in Cookery Club, Miss Scorer has made some for us all to enjoy after lunch today. Bonza!