Year: 2019


11th December 2019

Pre- Kindergarten enjoyed a wonderful trip to The Waterman’s Theatre in Brentford to see a circus version of Pinocchio.  They thoroughly enjoyed the acrobatics of Pinocchio and other cast members,…

Junior Christmas Plays

6th December 2019

The Junior Christmas plays were a real highlight of our Christmas preparations.  The children performed beautifully and kept us well entertained.  Pre-Kindergarten were utterly charming in their Nativity Play and…

Carol Singing

5th December 2019

Years 4, 5 and 6 children had a festive time on 5th December singing Christmas carols on Richmond station in support of the Rotary Club charities.  Thanks to the generosity…

Christmas Cakes take centre stage

3rd December 2019

Cookery Club is getting into the Christmas vibe as they begin learning the art of cake decoration. Here is Miss Scorer with two of her pupils, showing off their lovely…

Broomfield’s Christmas Tree

3rd December 2019

Thank you to the Christmas Forest for donating our lovely Christmas tree which stands in all its glory in the Atrium.  Thanks also go to Emma and Karmen, Art Prefects, …

Love in a Box

25th November 2019

We were delighted to be able to send off 178 Love in a Box gifts last week which will allow disadvantaged children in Eastern Europe to receive a present at…

Year 1 have been managing money!

25th November 2019

Managing money has been a key theme in Year 1 and the children have been enjoying shopping at their class bakery.

More swimming success

25th November 2019

Last week saw Broomfield pitted against 4 other local schools in our Inter-schools Swimming Gala. We are grateful to Ashton House, Falcons, Heathfield and Unicorn for joining us at Teddingtgn…

History of Art: Elisabeth Frink

25th November 2019

In our Friday activities sessions held each week in the last lesson of the day, Mrs Zammit is teaching History of Art with small groups of children.  On this occasion…

Artistic Triumph for Year 6

12th November 2019

Happy and triumphant smiles could be seen in Year 6 as their ceramic sculpture took first place in the ISA National Art Competition.   A few weeks ago we were thrilled…