Weekly Newsletter

Thoughts from the Study


It is an absolute privilege to be part of such a vibrant school community. Research shows that belonging to a welcoming, dynamic community fosters a sense of connection and purpose, which is vital for our well-being. A healthy community helps us feel part of something larger than ourselves, enhancing our sense of purpose.

Linking to this idea, next week, we are thrilled to launch the Dukes Young Leaders Award (DYLA) across the school, from Year 1 to Year 6. This initiative is designed to support our children’s holistic growth, enhancing both their individual development and their roles within the school community. The DYLA program complements our core curriculum, cultivating character skills that extend beyond academics. Our approach nurtures leadership qualities through adventure, service, and entrepreneurship, all of which are already embedded in our school’s ethos. Key elements include well-being, communication, independence, leadership, and community and this initiative will encourage the children to engage thoughtfully and confidently with the world around them.

Please click here to take a look at the DYLA passport through in our Digital Library.

Research in child development highlights that children who face and overcome carefully designed challenges become more resilient and adaptable to change. By encouraging our children to take risks, embrace challenges, and seek adventure, we help them build resilience and adaptability, essential qualities for success in the world they will inherit, a world that may be vastly different from our own.

The experiences our children gain through the award, from outdoor adventures to leading philanthropic initiatives or even trying new foods (broccoli, anyone?), will teach them to grow through adversity. Generationally, children in the UK tend to avoid risks, but at Broomfield, we actively encourage them to try, learn, and grow. Antifragility, the idea that we not only overcome challenges but also learn and benefit from them, is something we aim to nurture in all our children.

The sense of community, one of the DYLA focus areas. is evident each day in school, from greetings at the side gate every morning to the lively energy during assemblies and special school events, like this week’s Diwali celebrations, where we all came together to learn and reflect on culture and beliefs. I feel proud to be part of such a community and am grateful to all the parents who also supported our Diwali focused lessons, which I know the children enjoyed.

Our PTA’s Halloween gathering last weekend was another fantastic community moment. Families connected and enjoyed the afternoon, a testament to the PTA’s dedication to hosting well-attended, engaging social events that the whole family can enjoy. In fact, a highlight of my week was being photographed with some of our wonderful Year 1 children, all dressed up and ready to find as many Halloween treats as possible. This was a small moment, but it meant a great deal being asked to be in the photograph while the photographer tried to find my good side. Moments like these and experiences like these strengthen our community and make Broomfield a place where people genuinely want to be.

We are fortunate to have a community that is both diverse and dedicated. This was evident again at today’s Discovery Morning, where we welcomed families who will join us in 2026. It was lovely to see current families with younger siblings attend too, sharing their passion for Broomfield and helping prospective families understand what makes our school so special. The warmth of our community is always enhanced by the delicious food Chef Nay and her team prepare for events like this.

Looking ahead to our busy calendar for this half-term, there is so much to look forward to and many more opportunities to come together, celebrate, and enjoy being part of something greater than the sum of its parts. We have wreath making workshops, our Early Years Nativity plays, Kew Sparkle, and of course our whole school formal Carol Service to come, all of which will bring us together to make more Broomfield memories.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and a very happy Diwali to all who are celebrating.

Mr. Anstey


and Notices

Whole School

Remembrance Day and Poppies

On Monday 11th November, we will hold our annual Remembrance Day Service in the school playground. We invite parents to join us as we observe 2 minutes silence followed by the last post. Parents should come to the Princes Road gate for 10:55am. Our Head Girl and Head Boy will be selling Poppies next week in school to raise money for the Royal British Legion Charity. They will cost £2 per poppy and can be bought with cash only.


Chestertons Winter Coat Drive

A reminder that we have our Chesterton Winter Coat donation box in the atrium to support the charity Calling London who are aiming to keep London’s homeless and most vulnerable warm throughout the winter. Thank you to all who have donated already. We appreciate a big push from our Broomfield community to support this worthy cause. The items that can be donated are: coats (all styles), ski jackets, gillets and fleeces. They cannot accept thin rainwear, kagouls, and macs. Thank you.


Odd Socks Day 2024

On Tuesday 12th November, we will be taking part in the Odd Socks Day for Anti Bullying Awareness. Children are asked to come to sock in odd socks with their normal uniform/PE kit to support this great initiative and help us celebrate differences.


Mead House Raffle and Cake Sale – 15th November

The Mead House Raffle and Cake Sale will take place on 15th November. Mead families are asked to donate raffle prizes to Mrs De Silva during the week beginning 10th November please. All children should bring in £1 to buy a raffle ticket which will be sold on Monday 10th. Parents are also asked to bake cakes for the sale which will be held in the playground at 3:30pm. Parents must accompany children buying cakes to confirm any allergies. Kindly remember we are a nut free school when preparing your delicious treats. The allergy form will come home with your child on Monday 11th November and this needs to be completed and attached to your child’s cake. Thank you.


Diary Dates

Please see the provisional spring diary dates attached to the newsletter. We wanted to share these as soon as possible with parents so you can put them in your diary. Please note that these are provisional dates and we will share any changes with you if they occur.


Festive Cards

Each year the Broomfield children create artwork for the BHS Charity Christmas Card. This year, four fantastic mosaic artworks which the children created last year, will feature on this year’s cards. The winter design features on the front of our cards and the spring, summer and autumn designs feature on the back.  This artwork was our winning piece in the ISA regional art competition and will now go on to compete in the ISA National Competition. Mrs Frey, our art teacher, is leading this fundraising effort. The raised money will go to a dog shelter in Thailand where she and her husband are going to volunteer in December in memory of their daughter.

Every child has contributed towards these amazing cards and therefore we will not produce individual cards this year.

The price for a pack of cards (A5 – 6 cards or A6 – 12 cards) is £6. Please follow this link to order your cards before 3rd November 2024. We thank you in advance for supporting our charity initiative.


Year 6

Netball and Football Matches – Parents V Y6 Children

We are gearing up for our annual Parent vs Pupil netball and football matches on Wednesday 6th November 2024. The children are excited to face off against any parents brave enough to take them on. The matches will take place during our regular Wednesday games session. If parents could please attend the below sports grounds depending on the sport you are going to take part in. Please let the office know if you would like to take part (if you havent let the office/Mr Pache know already).

Netball: Parents to arrive at Westerly Ware at 2:15pm. We aim to start the game at 2:30pm and be finished by 3:30pm. Wear sports shoes.

Football: Parents to arrive at Old Deer Park at 2:15pm. We aim to start the game at 2:30pm and be finished by 3:30pm. Wear grippy shoes or football boots, as it may be slippery on the mud.

Year 2

Y2 Trip to Gunnersbury Park Museum

Year 2 are off to Gunnersbury Park and Museum on Wednesday 13th November to experience the Fire of London workshop as a part of their history topic. Children should come to school wearing their full school uniform including hats and coats.

Year 1

Forest School Visit Y1

Year 1 are looking forward to welcoming the amazing Forest School for their session with Scott on Friday 8th November. They will take part in some fantastic outdoor learning exploring the natural environment, crafts and finishing the session with snack and songs around the campfire. We cannot wait for all the excitement. 


Y1 Trip to Gunnersbury Park Museum

Year 1 are off to Gunnersbury Park and Museum on Monday 11th November. Children should come to school wearing their full school uniform including hats and coats. Packed lunches will be provided, but the children should bring a bottle of water in a backpack of their own. Children will return to school for normal pick-up time.


Autumn Walk to Kew Gardens

PK are looking forward to their autumn walk to Kew Gardens on Wednesday November 6th. The children will walk from school and explore the gardens, going on an autumn colour hunt and making autumn bracelets before enjoying their snack in the beautiful scenery at Kew Gardens. PK will return to school for lunchtime. Please ensure the children have their school coats. 

Brentford FC

An exciting opportunity has arisen only just recently as part of Brentford FC’s community outreach programme. In collaboration with Her Game Too and EA Sports, Brentford FC are looking for women and girls who are keen to experience their first ever football game, as part of their efforts to promote inclusion at football. Please see attached to access link or QR code to register your interest.


BHS Christmas Events

? The BHS Christmas Social deadline for a 10% discount is the 1st November! THIS FRIDAY! Please sign up ASAP via this link.
?The Festive Wreath making event: Deadline is the Thursday 7th November.
Click here to book.
Click here to pay.


BHS PTA Halloween Party

Last Sunday marked the close of half-term with BHS PTA’s first-ever Lower School Halloween party – a fantastic success! The Glo Disco was a major highlight, filling the school hall with energy as children and parents showed off their dance moves.

A huge thank you to Lewen Lu and Kate Dossa from the core team for their leadership on this event. Special appreciation to PK parents Francesca Baker and Shivani Amdekar, as well as Yasmin Martin (Year 1/4), for their generous support. Our wonderful Year 4 helpers—Melody, Alana, Bella, Aanya, and Camilla—brought extra magic with their creative glow paint artwork; and thanks also to Miya and Lara from Year 2 and Kobe from Year 6 for lending their hands.

We would also like to recognise Orange Media for their generosity with sponsoring the decorations – be sure to check out their flyer and keep them in mind for future events. Flyer: KidsBirthdayParties

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this memorable afternoon. If you have feedback or would like to help organise future PTA events, we would love to hear from you!

Sara, Mairi & Dale, PTA Core Team


Diwali Assembly

On Wednesday we were delighted to be able to celebrate the start of Diwali with a fantastic assembly led by some of our children. Kaira, Dheeya, Simran, Avni, Avi and Ilaan presented to the whole school and spoke brilliantly, telling us all about the meaning behind the Diwali celebrations, the story of Rama and Sita, and sharing photos of the traditions and celebration that their families enjoy. Our children who celebrate Diwali were dressed in their beautiful, traditional clothes and all stood up for us to admire them. The whole school enjoyed learning new things about Diwali and asked some interesting questions which were answered expertly by our presenters! Well done to all of the children involved and thank you very much to the parents for their support with making this happen. Happy Diwali!

Diwali Celebrations

This week, teachers shared stories of Diwali, exploring the traditions and values behind the celebration. Children learnt about the customs associated with Diwali, from decorating homes to lighting diyas. Some children even wore traditional clothing and shared their own family traditions.

Art Highlight

The children in Year 2 explored portrait drawing and worked on their Broomfield self-portraits while improving their colouring skills.

November is ‘Cut Your Carbon’ month

Our friends, Eco-Schools, are challenging children and young people across the UK to take action and raise awareness on carbon emissions.

The challenge is simple: throughout November, Cut Your Carbon by completing 6 simple actions with your friends and family.

From sustainable travel to planet-friendly eating, each action connects to an area of everyday life that contributes to your carbon footprint. Actions raise awareness, change behaviours, and help to reduce your emissions. Access your free starter pack at www.eco-schools.org.uk/cut-your-carbon/

Weekly Awards

Award Winners
Fleur, Matilda, Ryan and Jayden
Sports Stars of the Week
Matilda (PK)
Music Star of the Week
Ryan (Y1)
Artist of the Week
Jayden (Y2)
Drama Star of the Week
Fleur (Y2)

Polite Person of the Week

Pre-Kindergarten: Margaux: Margaux has been so helpful and kind this week to her friends and teachers. She always tried hard in lessons and loves to share her own experiences.
Kindergarten: Matthew: You have been super focused on the carpet this week and have been making the right choices. Well done, Matthew.

Year 1: Ali: We are so proud to see you coming into school with a smile and improved organisation. You were a shape superstar in maths this week too, well done Ali.
Year 2: Jayden: You have shown your kind and caring nature by helping friends when they need. Your little acts of kindness do get noticed?

Year 3: Florence: Well done Florence for a fantastic effort during revision week. You have put in 100% effort and have shown kindness by helping your friends. We are very proud of you!
Year 4: Camila: Camila continues to work hard, is always happy and kind – a super start to Year 4!

Year 5: Susie: Well done for coming back to school after half term, getting stuck in and working hard. You did some brilliant maths work this week.
Year 6: Tara: For her wonderful attitude towards all of her learning, as well as her friends and teachers and for her brilliant smile!

Upcoming Events

Monday 4th Nov

Assessment Week – All Week 

Tuesday 5th Nov

Assessment Week – All Week 

Wednesday 6th Nov

Assessment Week – All Week 

9:30am: PK to Kew Gardens 

2pm: Y6 Parent V Children Football and Netball 

Thursday 7th Nov

Assessment Week – All Week 

Friday 8th Nov

Assessment Week – All Week 

7:30am: ISA Swim Qualifiers Cobham – Red Team

9:30am: Y1 Forest School in school 

3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach 

Monday 11th Nov

Recovery Week – All Week 

8:30am – 3pm: Y1 to Gunnersbury Park 

11am: Remembrance Day Ceremony – Parents welcome to attend via Princes Road Gate at 10:50am

1:30 – 4:30pm: OVS Cross Country (Y3-6) – Red Team

Tuesday 12th Nov

Recovery Week – All Week 

ODD Socks Day – Anti Bullyinbg Awareness 

10am – 3:30pm: Y5 Noisy Classroom Debating Workshop in school

Wednesday 13th Nov

Recovery Week – All Week 

8:30 – 12pm: Y2 to Gunnersbury Park 

Thursday 14th Nov

Recovery Week – All Week 

8:30am – 3pm: Y4 to Tower of London 

Friday 15th Nov

Recovery Week – All Week 

8:30am – 3:30pm: Y3 Trip to British Museum 

9am: Assembly and Mead House Raffle  

9:30am – 12pm: Kindergarten Forest School in school 

3:30pm: Mead House Cake Sale 

3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach 

Playground Snapshots