Weekly Newsletter

Thoughts from the Study


Before we dive into this week’s Thoughts from the Study, I have to confess that I’ve just happily indulged in two croissants from the kitchen. Smallish, perhaps, but the French deliciousness was irresistible. Food is always a hot topic at Broomfield, and for good reason. Home may be where the heart is, but in school, the heart is where the food is. Whether it’s snack time, lunch service, or those all-important after-school energy boosts, the kitchen is the place we all eagerly anticipate. Over the past four years, our kitchen has evolved from being a simple dining hall into our very own restaurant, thanks to our talented kitchen team, led by Chef Nay, who bring creativity and energy to every meal.

Our kitchen is more than just a place to serve food; it’s where children learn to make informed decisions about what they eat. The team, along with the teachers, guides them to ensure that vegetables, greens, and fruits take pride of place on their plates. We focus on balance, not only in terms of nutrition but also in how we approach portion sizes. Children are encouraged to choose portions that suit their age, helping to reduce food waste. Every day, we measure our waste, record it on a dedicated board, and ensure it is sent off to be turned into renewable energy. Sustainability is at the heart of our approach, and we make sure that children understand the impact of food waste on the environment.

We also allow children to listen to their bodies. If they’re still hungry, they’re more than welcome to go back for seconds or even thirds. It’s important that they feel empowered to fuel up in the way that works best for them. We do, however, draw the line when it comes to sweet treats like our popular chocolate mousse (which, I should add, is reduced sugar). While everyone enjoys a treat now and then, seconds of chocolate mousse are probably not conducive to focused learning. We all know how a sugar rush can lead to that dreaded post-lunch slump when blood sugar levels spike and digestion slows us down. That’s why our timetable prioritises high-cognitive-load lessons, such as maths and English, in the morning, leaving the more movement-based activities for the afternoon.

Our commitment to providing nutritious and balanced meals is about more than just feeding hungry children and staff – it’s about fuelling minds and bodies for the day ahead. Good nutrition is key to maintaining energy and focus, whether in the classroom or on the playground. Research consistently shows that a balanced diet improves mental clarity, cognitive performance, and overall wellbeing, and we witness this every day in the energy levels of both children and staff.

What makes our food culture truly special are the themed food days we organise. These days introduce the children to new flavours and cuisines, often for the first time, expanding their palates and giving them a broader understanding of what food is and where it comes from. It’s a wonderful way for them to experience different cultures through food, sparking curiosity and a love of variety.

We take pride in the high standards we set, not just in the quality of the meals we serve but also in our carefully considered approach to sustainability and balance. Our aim is to create an environment where healthy eating is celebrated, where every meal supports long-term health and wellbeing. It’s great to hear daily that the children are happy with how our food offering has developed at Broomfield. The Pupil Council regularly gives us feedback and suggestions, which are always considered carefully. Although we aren’t able to approve the request we often hear to have pizza on the menu every day, what we will keep focusing on is serving delicious and exciting food, one carefully prepared meal at a time.

If you would like to find out more about our school menus, please do look at the weekly menus on the Parent Portal or arrange a time to speak with the school kitchen team.

All the very best for the weekend.

Mr Anstey



and Notices

Whole School


We kindly ask that all parents please be mindful of where you park during drop-off and pick-up times. Please ensure that driveways of our local neighbours remain clear and that you park considerately. Thank you for your cooperation.

Image Galleries

Quick reminder that all image galleries from last academic year will be deleted from the Parent Portal next week Tuesday 17th September. Please download the photos you wish to keep over the weekend. Thank you!

Authorised Collections

For collection of children by anyone other than their parents/guardians we require a picture of the person and your email permission. Please could you send the details of any authorised persons who will be collecting your children, this could be a nanny, grandparent, friend – anyone.  The children have started with new class teachers so we would be grateful if an up to date photograph could be sent in along with the name of the person collecting – even if this is a long standing nanny they may not be known to the new class teacher.  If this is a regular arrangement ie nanny, please give details of the days your nanny will be collecting.  Please do not send in identification just a single identifying picture will do nicely.

Please ensure that we are notified of anyone who will be collecting your child(ren).  As part of our safeguarding policy children will not be release to anyone that is not known to the member of staff.


Class Photographs

On Monday 16th September, we will have the photographers back in school to take pictures of the children in their class groups. Year 6 and Year 5 children should arrive at 8am. Please see important information below from Mrs Crocker:

As per last week children will need to wear their full winter uniform as follows;

Y1 -Y5 Girls: White shirt and school tie, grey pinafore with red socks or grey trousers with grey socks, black shoes, red hair ties
Y6 Girls: White shirt and school tie, grey skirt with red socks or grey trousers with grey socks, black shoes, red hair ties

Y1 – 6 Boys: White shirt, school tie, grey trousers and grey socks OR grey shorts and grey and red hooped socks, black shoes
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten: White polo shirt, red Bermuda shorts or tracksuit bottoms with red socks and black or red shoes.

All children in Years 1-6 must wear a tie.

If you have a child in year 1 who is taking part in Multisports after school, please send them in with a pair of trainers to change into.

Jeans for Genes Day 2024

Jeans for Genes Day is taking place on 20th September this year. Every year we take part in this important charity event. All children should come to school in mufti (non-uniform) with at least one denim item if possible. Each child should bring £1 and this will be collected by the class teacher.


Flu Immunisation – 17th September

A reminder that the local NHS Flu Immunisation Team will be in school doing our annual flu vacinations on 17th September. Mrs Mathewson has sent an email with all the information and how to give your consent.


Broomfield Menu Update

We would like to inform parents that we are no longer an egg free school. We are still a nut free school. We are looking forward to all the wonderful creations Chef Nay and her team will prepare.


Atom Learning Parents Information Session


After School Cookery Club

Staff News

Congratulations to Mrs Wrigley-Smith

We are delighted to share the wonderful news that Mrs Wrigley-Smith and her husband have welcomed a beautiful baby boy over the summer holidays. Albert (Bertie) Wrigley-Smith arrived on 19th August and has already visited us here in Broomfield. Congratulations to the whole family and welcome to the Broomfield community little Bertie.

Dukes Plus

Astronights – VIP sleepover at the Science Museum

Date: Friday 18th October 2024
Time: 18:45
Location: Science Museum,
Exhibition Rd,
South Kensington,
Cost: £70.00 per ticket
Host: The Dukes Club

Event Description

Hot off the heels of our successful Bear Grylls Survival Academy, we are excited to bring you Dukes Clubs’ next offering, creating opportunities for families to share magical new experiences together – a VIP sleepover at the Science Museum!

Astronights will allow parents and guardians to explore the museum after dark with their children and sleep among its wonders. You will enjoy out-of-this-world, space-inspired workshops, shows and activities with the perfect opportunity to refuel with a delicious breakfast.
This will be an experience like no other, with VIP extras at a heavily discounted price of £70 (plus booking), courtesy of Dukes Club. The event will take place on Friday 18th October from 18.45pm and is best suited for children aged 7-11.


Parent Teacher Association AGM 2024

The core PTA team have been thinking about the school year ahead and are looking forward to working with this year’s reps on events and other initiatives that add magic to our children’s experience at BHS.

The AGM/1st meeting of the year is on Monday 16th September. We would love as many parents to attend as possible. Please let your reps know if you plan to attend so we can ensure we have enough refreshments and see the flyer below with details.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for events or activities and would like to help organise them please reach out to our PTA Chair Dale (Year 2/6 Dad), Secretary Sara (Year 1/4/6 Mum) or Comms Lead Mairi (Year 1 Mum). All offers of help would be much appreciated!


PTA Highlights

Summer Picnic

The summer holidays ended with the longstanding BHS tradition of a picnic; organised by the new class reps on Sunday 1st September at North Sheen Rec.

This was the first year that all the classes coordinated with date/time and venue…and it was much appreciated by families both new and old. Thank you to the teachers who joined in and all the reps that helped organise with helium balloons and snacks!


Hat Ceremony

Last week Wednesday, new families gathered in the playground for our annual Hat Ceremony. New joiners in Years 1-6 received their Broomfield hat in a special welcome celebration. It was a wonderful way to mark the beginning of their journey with us. After the ceremony, the children visited their new classrooms and met their teaching teams, giving them a warm introduction to the Broomfield community.

Welcome Back!

The rain could not dampen our spirits on Thursday last week as we celebrated the first day back at Broomfield. The children were thrilled to explore their new classrooms and reconnect with friends. We are looking forward to a fantastic year together!

New Outdoor Area

Our car park has been transformed into a beautiful green garden for the children to enjoy throughout the day! ?? This lovely new space, complete with benches and plenty of greenery, offers a perfect spot for the children to relax, unwind and connect with nature. It’s a wonderful addition to our school grounds – we can’t wait to see everyone making the most of this space. Our offical opening will be on Friday 27th September at 2:30pm and parents are invited to join us for some refreshments to celebrate.

Koala Eco-Trail

Well done to all children who participated in our Eco Trail last term. The children explored nature, learnt about sustainability, and developed a deeper appreciation for the environment. We are incredibly proud of our pupils and would like to thank our sponsors Halletts Estate Agents and Caffe Torelli for their support.

Eco Club

Eco Club kicked off the new school year with their first Eco Club meeting.

They welcomed new members and shared their eco goals for the year. Plus, the children started putting together some creative ideas for the Eco Club noticeboard.

Art Highlight

Kindergarten practised their brush skills and created ink portraits working with geometrical shapes.

Weekly Awards

Sports Star of the Week
Gabriel (Y3)
Music Star of the Week
Scarlett (Y5)
Drama Star of the Week
Gaia (K)
Artist of the Week
Evelyn (K)

Polite Person of the Week

Pre-Kindergarten: Ornelia
Kindergarten: Amelia

Year 1: Merlin
Year 2: Arya

Year 3: Oliver
Year 4: Bela

Year 5: Lizzy
Year 6: Sienna

Upcoming Events

Monday 16th Sep

8am – 12pm: Pupil Class Photos Photographs – All children to attend in Winter Uniform (Y5 and Y6 in school at 8am)

12pm: Pee Wee Karate is back 

6:30pm for a 7pm start: PTA meeting and AGM with refreshments – Dining Hall 

Tuesday 17th Sep


8am: Flu Immunisation 

Wednesday 18th Sep
Thursday 19th Sep

6pm: ATOM Parent Help Session – Online  

Friday 20th Sep

Jeans for Genes Day – non uniform day

9:45 – 11:45am: Y2 Forest School (in school) 

3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach 

Monday 23rd Sep

9:30am – Y5 Trip to Go Ape 

Eco Club Litter Picking 

Tuesday 24th Sep
Wednesday 25th Sep

9:30 – 11am: Kindergarten to Pizza Express 

Thursday 26th Sep
Friday 27th Sep

8:30am: PTA Macmillan Coffee Morning – Dining Hall 

9:45 – 11:45am: Y1 Forest School (in school)

2:30pm – 3:20pm: Official Opening of New Garden Area – Parents Welcome – Light refreshments

3:30pm – 8pm: Stagecoach 

Our New Outdoor Garden!